Шур Арсений Михайлович

Дата обновления: 07.12.2017

Источник Импакт-фактор Описание публикаций Год Число цитирований
Нет данных
Theory of Computing Systems GROWTH OF POWER-FREE LANGUAGES OVER LARGE ALPHABETS / Shur A.M. // Theory of Computing Systems. - 2014. - V. 54, l. 2. - P. 224-243. 2014 0
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science LANGUAGES WITH A FINITE ANTIDICTIONARY: SOME GROWTH QUESTIONS / Shur A.M. // International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. - 2014. - V. 25, l. 8. - P. 937-953. 2014 0
Fundamenta Informaticae PERIODIC PARTIAL WORDS AND RANDOM BIPARTITE GRAPHS / Idiatulina L.A.,Shur A.M. // Fundamenta Informaticae. - 2014. - V. 132, l. 1. - P. 15-31. 2014 0
Lecture Notes in Computer Science QUANTUM, STOCHASTIC, AND PSEUDO STOCHASTIC LANGUAGES WITH FEW STATES / Shur A.M.,YakaryIlmaz A. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - 2014. - V. 8553 LNCS, l. . - P. 327-339. 2014 0
FINDING DISTINCT SUBPALINDROMES ONLINE / Kosolobov D.,Rubinchik M.,Shur A.M. // . - 2013. - V. , l. . - P. 63-69. 2013 4
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LANGUAGES WITH A FINITE ANTIDICTIONARY: GROWTH-PRESERVING TRANSFORMATIONS AND AVAILABLE ORDERS OF GROWTH / Shur A.M. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - 2013. - V. 7907 LNCS, l. . - P. 445-457. 2013 0
Lecture Notes in Computer Science PREFACE / Bulatov A.,Shur A. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - 2013. - V. 7913 LNCS, l. . - P. V-VI. 2013 0
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science CONSTRUCTING PREMAXIMAL BINARY CUBE-FREE WORDS OF ANY LEVEL / Petrova E.A.,Shur A.M. // International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. - 2012. - V. 23, l. 8. - P. 1595-1609. 2012 1
Lecture Notes in Computer Science CONSTRUCTING PREMAXIMAL TERNARY SQUARE-FREE WORDS OF ANY LEVEL / Petrova E.A.,Shur A.M. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - 2012. - V. 7464 LNCS, l. . - P. 752-763. 2012 0
Semigroup Forum DECIDING CONTEXT EQUIVALENCE OF BINARY OVERLAP-FREE WORDS IN LINEAR TIME / Shur A.M. // Semigroup Forum. - 2012. - V. 84, l. 3. - P. 447-471. 2012 2