Цепелев Владимир Степанович

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Advanced Materials Research Nanocrystalline soft magnetic toroidal cores of the highest relative magnetic permeability and low coercive force / Tsepelev V. // Advanced Materials Research. - 2013. - V. 716, l. . - P. 276-280. 2013 0 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR
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Russian Metallurgy (Metally) Structure of the diffusion layers that form in spreading of the Cu-10 wt % Sn melt over St.3 steel / Chikova O.A., Tsepelev V.S., Vityunin M.A., V'yukhin V.V., Lepikhin S.V. // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2013. - V. 2013, l. 1. - P. 38-42. 2013 0 10.1134/S0036029513010035
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Russian Metallurgy (Metally) Viscosity and separation of Fe-Cu melts / Chikova O.A., Tsepelev V.S., Konstantinov A.N., V'yukhin V.V. // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - 2013. - V. 2013, l. 9. - P. 643-646. 2013 0 10.1134/S003602951309005X
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Steel in Translation Correlation analysis in studying the properties of high-temperature metallic melts / Povodator A.M., Konashkov V.V., Tsepelev V.S., V'yukhin V.V. // Steel in Translation. - 2012. - V. 42, l. 2. - P. 107-109. 2012 0 10.3103/S0967091212020180
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Steel in Translation Influence of smelting technology on the properties of amorphizing Fe-B-Si melts / Konashkov V.V., Tsepelev V.S., Belozerov V.Y., Starodubtsev Y.N. // Steel in Translation. - 2012. - V. 42, l. 9. - P. 679-681. 2012 0 10.3103/S0967091212090057
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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Optimum regime of heat treatment of soft magnetic amorphous materials / Tsepelev V., Konashkov V., Starodubtsev Y., Belozerov V., Gaipishevarov D. // IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. - 2012. - V. 48, l. 4. - P. 1327-1330. 2012 0 10.1109/TMAG.2011.2175209
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Instruments and Experimental Techniques A computer-aided plant for studying the kinematic viscosity of high-temperature metallic melts / Konashkov V.V., Tsepelev V.S., V'Yukhin V.V., Povodator A.M., Podol'Skaya A.I. // Instruments and Experimental Techniques. - 2011. - V. 54, l. 2. - P. 284-285. 2011 0 10.1134/S0020441211020187
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Steel in Translation Influence of the chemical composition of steel on the mild reduction of continuous-cast ingots / Streletskii G.Yu., Smirnov A.A., Tyagunov G.V., Tsepelev V.S., Baum B.A. // Steel in Translation. - 2008. - V. 38, l. 1. - P. 7-10. 2008 0 10.3103/S0967091208010038
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Steel in Translation Kinematic viscosity of rail steel melts modified by Fe-Si-Ca and Fe-Si-Ca-Ba alloys / Deryabin A.A., Tsepelev V.S., Konashkov V.V., Berestov E.Yu., Mogil'nyi V.V. // Steel in Translation. - 2008. - V. 38, l. 4. - P. 261-264. 2008 0 10.3103/S0967091208040013
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series The investigations of the amorphous metal properties in liquid state / Tsepelev V.S., Baum B.A., Tyagunov G.V., Belozerov V.Y., Vyukhin V.V., Konashkov V.V. // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2008. - V. 98, l. 7. 2008 0 10.1088/1742-6596/98/7/072020
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