Захаров Вячеслав Иосифович

Дата обновления: 06.09.2017

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Regular methods of solution of ill-posed problems for remote sensing of Earth atmosphere using high-resolution spectrometry / Vasin V. V.,Gribanov K. G.,Zakharov V. I.,Akimova E. N.,Perestoronina G. Ya.,Timerkhanova L. Yu. // . - 2006. - V. 6580, l. . 2006 1 10.1117/12.724938
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Neural network retrieval of deuterium to hydrogen ratio in atmosphere from IMG/ADEOS spectra / Gribanov KG,Imasu R,Schmidt GA,Toptygin AY,Zakharov VI // . - 2005. - V. 5655, l. . - P. 515-521. 2005 1 10.1117/12.579496
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Regarding free energy net of the Earth and its monitoring from space concept / Zakharov VI,Imasu R,Gribanov KG // . - 2005. - V. 5655, l. . - P. 540-547. 2005 0 10.1117/12.585089
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Seasonal methane content in atmosphere of the permafrost boundary zone in Western Siberia determined from IMG/ADEOS and AIRS/AQUA data / Toptygin AY,Gribanov KG,Imasu R,Bleuten W,Zakharov VI // . - 2005. - V. 5655, l. . - P. 508-514. 2005 3 10.1117/12.579494
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GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Latitudinal distribution of the deuterium to hydrogen ratio in the atmospheric water vapor retrieved from IMG/ADEOS data / Zakharov VI,Imasu R,Gribanov KG,Hoffmann G,Jouzel J // GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. - 2004. - V. 31, l. 12. 2004 34 10.1029/2004GL019433
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ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS Neural network solution for temperature profile retrieval from infrared spectra with high spectral resolution / Gribanov K. G.,Zakharov V. I. // ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS. - 2004. - V. 5, l. 1-4. - P. 1-11. 2004 8 10.1016/j.atmoscilet.2003.10.0
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