Паздерин Андрей Владимирович

Дата обновления: 07.12.2017

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Нет данных
Low-frequency oscillations identification in interconnected power system using PMU / Chusovitin Pavel V.,Pazderin Andrew V.,Shabalin Gregory S.,Tashchilin Valeriy A. // . - 2014. - V. 860-863, l. . - P. 2117-2121. 2014 2 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR
(полный текст)
PSS Tuning Method based on Power System Model Identification using PMU / Tashchilin Valery,Chusovitin Pavel,Shabalin Grigory,Pazderin Andrey // . - 2014. - V. , l. . 2014 0
Small-signal stability monitoring using PMU / Chusovitin Pavel,Pazderin Andrey // . - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 267-272. 2014 1
Distributed generation siting and sizing with implementation feasibility analysis / Eroshenko Stanislav A.,Khalyasmaa Alexandra I.,Dmitriev Stepan A.,Pazderin Andrey V.,Karpenko Alexandr A. // . - 2013. - V. , l. . - P. 717-721. 2013 0
Implementation of Power System Model Identification for Locating In-phase Generators / Chusovitin P. V.,Pazderin A. V. // . - 2012. - V. , l. . 2012 0
Pulling the Operating Point Back onto the Feasibility Boundary. / Pazderin Andrew V.,Yuferev Sergey V. // . - 2009. - V. , l. . - P. 2481+. 2009 0
Solution of Energy Flow Problem Using State Estimation Technique / Pazderin Andrew V.,Kokin Sergey E.,Egorov Alexander O.,Kochneva Elena S. // . - 2009. - V. , l. . - P. 1623-1628. 2009 0
Steady-State Calculation of Electrical Power System by the Newton's Method in Optimization / Pazderin Andrew V.,Yuferev Sergey V. // . - 2009. - V. , l. . - P. 204-209. 2009 0
Ways of Decreasing Maximum and Equalizing Curve of Big Cities' Power Demand\textbackslash{} / Kokin S. E.,Pazderin A. V.,Adarichev E. N. // . - 2009. - V. , l. . - P. 2696+. 2009 0
An energy flow calculation method based on energy meters data / Pazderin A. V.,Plesniaev E. A.,Mashalov E. V. // . - 2008. - V. , l. . - P. 834-839. 2008 5 10.1109/DRPT.2008.4523522
(полный текст)