Sorbents for radiocaesium removal from natural water and soil / Voronina A.V., Kutergin A.S., Semenishchev V.S., Nogovitsyna E.V., Nikiforov A.F. // Impact of Cesium on Plants and the Environment. - 2016. - V. , l. . - P. 231-252.

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Book Chapter
Sources of contamination of natural water and soil by caesium radionuclides are discussed. Possible levels of radioactive contamination conditioned by various sources accidents are evaluated. The nature of sorption behavior of natural, granulated and modified aluminosilicates is described; a comparison of their physicochemical characteristics and sorption behavior with respect to caesium is also given. It is shown that the sorption characteristics of the natural aluminosilicates depend on their type and deposit; caesium distribution coefficients for the natural aluminosilicates do not exceed 103-104 L kg-1. Granulated and modified aluminosilicates possess rather better mechanical strength than respective natural ones. Modification of natural aluminosilicates by transition metals ferrocyanides results in increase of both caesium distribution coefficients and capacity up to 107 L kg-1 and 500 mg g-1 respectively. The possibility of granulated and modified aluminosilicates use for radiocaesium removal from natural waters and soils is shown. Decontamination of the natural water from 137Cs by the granulated glauconite under dynamic conditions has shown that the column resource was ≈7000 bed volumes and decontamination factors were at least 100. The highest values of caesium transfer decrease factors from the hydroponics solution to agricultural plants (80 ± 15) were obtained after joint addition of the modified glauconite and a potassium fertilizer into the hydroponics solution. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017.
Author keywords:
Aluminosilicates; Decontamination; Ferrocyanides; Natural waters; Radioactive contamination; Rehabilitation; Soils deactivation; Sorbents
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Affiliations Radiochemistry and Applied Ecology Chair, Ural Federal University, Physical Technology Institute, Mira Str., 19, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Aluminosilicates; Decontamination; Ferrocyanides; Natural waters; Radioactive contamination; Rehabilitation; Soils deactivation; Sorbents
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Correspondence Address Voronina, A.V.; Radiochemistry and Applied Ecology Chair, Ural Federal University, Physical Technology Institute, Mira Str., 19, Russian Federation; email:
Publisher Springer International Publishing
ISBN 9783319415253; 9783319415246
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Impact of Cesium on Plants and the Environ.
Source Scopus