Complexity and approximability of committee polyhedral separability of sets in general position / Khachay M., Poberii M. // Informatica. - 2009. - V. 20, l. 2. - P. 217-234.

It is known that the minimum affine separating committee (MASC) combinatorial optimization problem, which is related to some machine learning techniques, is NP-hard and does not belong to Apx class unless P=NP. In this paper, it is shown that the MASC problem formulated in a fixed dimension space within n>1 is intractable even if sets defining an instance of the problem are in general position. A new polynomial-time approximation algorithm for this modification of the MASC problem is presented. An approximation ratio and complexity bounds of the algorithm are obtained. © 2009 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius.
Author keywords:
Approximation algorithms; Committees; Computational complexity; Polyhedral separability
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Affiliations Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, S.Kovalevskoy 16, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Approximation algorithms; Committees; Computational complexity; Polyhedral separability
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Correspondence Address Khachay, M.; Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, S.Kovalevskoy 16, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Informatica
Source Scopus