Mythologization as a means of urban identity constructing (Ekaterinburg in internet-forums) / Golovneva E.V. // Ural'skij Istoriceskij Vestnik. - 2016. - V. 52, l. 3. - P. 43-51.

The article offers arguments in favor of understanding urban identity as a designable spatial identity. It is exposed to ideological influences and has various dimensions including the mythological one. Mythologization of a city is viewed as the shaping in the minds of the citizen of its image with the use of mythological thought modes, such as the counter positioning of "us and them", glorification of history and culture of one's city, personification of inanimate objects, sacralization of certain spheres of life, historical themes or persons, appeals to numerology, labeling of the territory, identification of important landmarks and mysterious places within the city's environment. Based on the analysis of the Internet-forums' content focusing on Ekaterinburg the author identified the content of mythologization in the modern environment. Urban identity of Ekaterinburg is understood as a phenomenon operating on the basis of various mythologems of the city as a "center of mining civilization", "mineralogical heaven", a city with a "port mythology", a city, which is the home of outstanding personalities, and a city with "mysterious places", etc. A conclusion is made that in post-modernism culture the urban myth-making consists of two layers - the official and the grassroots (folk mythology) ones, and the contemporary myths fll the megalopolises with new meaning and contribute to emphasizing their exclusivity. These mythologems are an inseparable part of urban identity and reflect a search for a city's image as a precondition to raising its status.
Author keywords:
City; City identity; Construct; Ekaterinburg; Image of the city; Mythologization; Social designing of reality; Urban mythology
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Affiliations Department of Philosophical Sciences, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords City; City identity; Construct; Ekaterinburg; Image of the city; Mythologization; Social designing of reality; Urban mythology
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Correspondence Address Golovneva, E.V.; Department of Philosophical Sciences, Ural Federal UniversityRussian Federation; email:
Publisher Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of RAS
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Ural. Istor. Vestn.
Source Scopus