ABOUT AN ENERGY POTENTIAL OF AUTODYNES / Noskov V. Ya // . - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 1029-1030.

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Proceedings Paper
The expressions for calculating the noise characteristics and energy potential of an autodyne system taking into account both internal fluctuations of an oscillator active element and real power supply noises of a microwave oscillator were found. Calculations made on the example of a Gunn diode oscillator showed that the autodyne potential on case of detecting signal in the power circuit of oscillator is significantly lower than in case of detecting signals by changing the frequency and amplitude of oscillations.
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Book-Group-Author IEEE
Note 24th International Crimean Conference Microwave \& Telecommunication Technology (CriMiCo), Sevastopol, RUSSIA, SEP 07-13, 2014
Organization IEEE; Sevastopol Natl Tech Univ; Belarus State Univ Informat \& Radioelectron; NTUU KPI, Inst Telecommunicat Syst; Natl Res Univ, Moscow Aviat Inst; OJS SPE Saturn; Faza Co; SSPE Istok n a Shokin; Microwave Syst Co; Sistemnyye Resursy Co; Tomsk State Univ Control Syst \& Radioelectron; Micran, Res \& Prod Co; Radiocomp, LLC; Ural Fed Univ n.a.; Maury Microwave; Linetest Co; PLM Ural; Delkam-Ural; Keysight Technologies; SO Solut; Tavrida Natl Univ; SRI Crimean Astrophysical Observ; Popov Crimean Sci \& Technolog Ctr; Representat Off TCI Training \& Consulting Industrie GmbH Sevastopol; IEEE Electron Devices Soc; Central Ukraine IEEE joint ED MTT CPMT ComSoc Chapter; IEEE AP Chapter, Russia Sect
Publisher IEEE
Address 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
Language Russian
ISBN 978-966-335-412-5
Research-Areas Engineering; Telecommunications
Web-of-Science-Categories Engineering, Electrical \& Electronic; Telecommunications
Author-Email noskov@oko-ek.ru
ORCID-Numbers Ignatkov, Kirill/0000-0001-6411-9287
Number-of-Cited-References 5
Doc-Delivery-Number BG8YA