Studying of cell culture reaction to temperature change by dynamic speckle interferometry / Mikhailova Y.A., Vladimirov A.P., Bakharev A.A., Sergeev A.G., Novosyolova I.A., Yakin D.I. // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. - 2017. - V. 21, l. 1. - P. 64-73.

At present, researchers effectively use biospeckles to study the processes occurring inside and on the surface of various biological objects: fruits, vegetables, grains and a patient's skin and retina. Previous research resulted in developing a technique and device for determination of the metabolic activity of Vero, L41 and HLE cell lines using dynamic speckle interferometry. The cell activity parametres were the time-average digital value of radiation intensity Ĩ in a TV camera pixel and the correlation coefficient of two speckle images η. The researchers obtained well-reproducible results in the course of studying herpes virus 1-infected cell lines. In this article, we present an optical technique that allows researchers to determine the standard deviation of the optical wave path difference σu in a small area of an individual cell or in a cell group by using the correlation coefficient of the speckle image fragment. The target of research was a L41 cell culture monolayer on a glass substrate placed in a cuvette with a growth medium. Radiation from a laser module illuminates the cuvette through a mat diffuser; the resulting speckle cell image had an optical magnification of × 11. We used value σu as a parameter characterizing the activity of physical and chemical processes in cells. We showed that there are significant fluctuations of value σu in space and time with temperature T increasing from 26 to 37 °C in an hour. When the temperature stabilizes for 30 min, the fluctuations practically cease, and when the temperature changes by decimal points, there is good correlation between σu and T.
Author keywords:
L41 cell line; Metabolism; Non-destructive testing; Speckle interferometry; Temperature
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Affiliations Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords L41 cell line; Metabolism; Non-destructive testing; Speckle interferometry; Temperature
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Publisher Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Russ. J. Biomech.
Source Scopus