Dendritic growth with the six-fold symmetry: Theoretical predictions and experimental verification / Alexandrov D.V., Galenko P.K. // Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2017. - V. 108, l. . - P. 98-103.

A free dendrite growing in a pure substance is considered with the interfacial effect of anisotropy and convective flow. A stable mode of dendritic growth with the six-fold crystal symmetry is studied using the solvability theory. We demonstrate that the obtained selection criterion for a stable mode of dendritic growth is a function of surface energy stiffness, arbitrary values of Péclet numbers and convective flow intensity. To predict the dendrite tip velocity V and its tip radius R a model of dendrite growth with the six-fold symmetry is formulated. We show that the model equations can be reduced to the growth kinetics with the low Péclet numbers, which exhibit the explicit relationships “tip velocity - undercooling”. The model predictions are compared with experimental data on ice dendrites grown from pure undercooled water on board of the International Space Station (under microgravitational conditions, μg) and on the Ground (under terrestrial conditions, 1 g). © 2017 Elsevier Ltd
Author keywords:
Convection; Dendrites; Growth models; Solvability theory
Index keywords:
Dendrites (metallography); Forecasting; Growth kinetics; Heat convection; Space stations; Arbitrary values; Experimental verification; Growth models; Interfacial effects; International Space stations;
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Affiliations Ural Federal University, Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Laboratory of Multi-Scale Mathematical Modeling, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät, Jena, Germany
Author Keywords Convection; Dendrites; Growth models; Solvability theory
Funding Details 16-11-10095, RSF, Russian Science Foundation
Funding Text The authors are grateful to Efim Brener for useful and fruitful discussions. D.V.A. acknowledges the support from the Russian Science Foundation [grant number 16-11-10095]. P.K.G. acknowledges the support from the project “MULTIPHAS” by the European Space Agency, German Aerospace Center and Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, contract Nr. 50WM1541
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Correspondence Address Galenko, P.K.; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Physikalisch-Astronomische FakultätGermany; email:
Publisher Elsevier Ltd
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J Phys Chem Solids
Source Scopus