Typology of strategies for overcoming the temporal contradictions of the age groups / Zborovsky G.E., Ambarova P.A. // Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal. - 2017. - V. 23, l. 2. - P. 8-27.

The purpose of this article is to analyze age communities in the context of the unity and contradiction of their biological, psychological and social time to identify the features of their temporal behavior strategies. Presented are the results of theoretically elaborating the concepts of certain age communities, their temporal contradictions and a typological analysis of strategies for overcoming the latter. Substantiated is the use of interdisciplinary methodology when studying this issue and integrating the achievements of science, social psychology and sociology. Provided is the author's interpretation of an age community being an association of people connected and interacting with each other on the basis of similar biological, psychological and social ages, the features and contradictions of which are formed in a specific social and historical context. Revealed is the concept of dyschronosis as a mismatch of the three types of time for an age community - biological, psychological and social. One of the possible approaches towards constructing a typology of strategies for overcoming age-related dyschronosis is suggested. It is shown to be based on the use of such a criterion as choosing ways and forms of overcoming temporal contradictions. The article's empirical basis consists of results from a study conducted by the authors using qualitative methods - in-depth interviews with representatives of different age communities, analyzing the content of websites, forums, blogs and social networks related to the research problem. The results of the research can be reflected in the recommendations for educational, cultural, leisure organizations, social institutions working with different age communities, public authorities and local self-government in order to optimize social, economic, cultural and educational policies.
Author keywords:
Age community; Biological; Dyschronosis; Psychological and social time; Strategies for overcoming temporal contradictions
Index keywords:
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85021880396&doi=10.19181%2fsocjour.2017.23.2.5157&partnerID=40&md5=a7b2fc4d39e1ed9447dd4da3966d6d0b
Affiliations Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Mira str., bl. 19, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Age community; Biological; Dyschronosis; Psychological and social time; Strategies for overcoming temporal contradictions
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Publisher Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal
Source Scopus