Unidirectional solidification of binary melts from a cooled boundary: Analytical solutions of a nonlinear diffusion-limited problem / Alexandrov D.V., Nizovtseva I.G., Malygin A.P., Huang H.-N., Lee D. // Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. - 2008. - V. 20, l. 11.

A model is presented that describes nonstationary solidification of binary melts or solutions from a cooled boundary maintained at a time-dependent temperature. Heat and mass transfer processes are described on the basis of the principles of a mushy layer, which divides pure solid material and a liquid phase. Nonlinear equations characterizing the dynamics of the phase transition boundaries are deduced. Approximate analytical solutions of the model under consideration are constructed. A method for controlling the external temperature at a cooled wall in order to obtain a required solidification velocity is discussed. © IOP Publishing Ltd.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Diffusion; Nonlinear equations; Problem solving; Solidification; Solutions; Binary melts; Time-dependent temperature; Binary mixtures
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Art. No. 114105
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Affiliations Department of Mathematical Physics, Urals State University, Lenin Avenue 51, Ekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation; Department of Mathematics, Tunghai University, Box 859, Taichung, 407, Taiwan
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Correspondence Address Alexandrov, D. V.; Department of Mathematical Physics, Urals State University, Lenin Avenue 51, Ekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation; email: dmitri.alexandrov@usu.ru
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J Phys Condens Matter
Source Scopus