Concerning the theory of the incipience of the two-phase mushy zone in solidification of binary melts / Aleksandrov D.V. // Heat Transfer Research. - 2003. - V. 34, l. 3-4. - P. 226-233.

The well-known problem of incipience of a mushy zone for binary melt solidification processes is solved with the aid of the Laplace transform in a laboratory coordinate system. The integral relations for the rate of solidification and the time of incipience of the mushy zone are derived when crystallization proceeds near a cooling wall. The last assumption is confirmed by numerical calculations and by the relations obtained. In other words, a mush appears ahead of the solidification front at the initial stage of crystallization (when the front moves toward the binary melt near the cooling wall). Thus, the time when the classical description of crystallization by means of the Stefan thermodiffusion model becomes incorrect and when the mushy region appears due to the concentrational (constitutional) supercooling is found. ©2003 Begell House, Inc.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Crystallization; Laplace transforms; Numerical methods; Solidification; Supercooling; Thermal diffusion; Binary melts; Integral relations; Mushy zones; Problem solving
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Affiliations Urals A.M. Gorkii State University, Russian Federation
References Ivantsov, G.P., (1951) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 81 (2), pp. 179-182; Alexandrov, D.V., Churbanov, A.G., Vabishchevich, P.B., (1999) Int. J. Fluid Mech. Res., 26 (3), pp. 316-332; Buyevich, Yu.A., Alexandrov, D.V., Mansurov, V.V., (1999) Macrokinetics of Crystallization, , Begell House Inc., New York
Correspondence Address Aleksandrov, D.V.; Urals A.M. Gorkii State UniversityRussian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Heat Transfer Res
Source Scopus