Solidification with a quasiequilibrium two-phase zone / Alexandrov D.V. // Acta Materialia. - 2001. - V. 49, l. 5. - P. 759-764.

A set of nonlinear equations describing solidification with a two-phase zone (mushy region) is analytically solved in a general form in the case of quasi-steady-state crystallization of binary melts. Concentration, temperature distributions and the bulk fraction of the solid phase as functions of a spatial coordinate and physical and operating parameters of solidification are found within the mushy zone. The mushy region thickness and algebraic equation for the bulk fraction of the solid at the boundary solid phase-mushy zone are determined for the first time in a general form. A theory under consideration strengthens a hypothesis about a self-similar structure of the two-phase zone. © 2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author keywords:
Binary melts; Interface; Phase transformations
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Affiliations Department of Mathematical Physics, Urals State University, Lenin ave. 51, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Binary melts; Interface; Phase transformations
References Ivantsov, G.P., (1951) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 81, p. 179; Chalmers, B., (1961) Physical Metallurgy, , John Wiley, New York; Mullins, W.W., Sekerka, R.F., (1964) J. Appl. Phys., 35, p. 444; Alexandrov, D.V., Churbanov, A.G., Vabishchevich, P.N., (1999) Int. J. Fluid Mech. Research, 26 (2), p. 248; Alexandrov, D.V., (2000) Proc. Minsk Int. Forum on Heat and Mass Transfer, 22-26 May, p. 476; Borisov, V.T., (1971) Izv. an SSSR, Metally, 6, p. 104. , in Russian; Avdonin, N.A., (1980) Mathematical Description of Crystallization Processes, , Zinatne, Riga, in Russian; Buyevich, Yu.A., Iskakova, L.Yu., Mansurov, V.V., (1990) Zhurnal Prikl. Mechan. i Techn. Phisiki, 4, p. 46. , in Russian; Iskakova, L.Yu., Mansurov, V.V., (1994) Rasplavy, 1, p. 82. , in Russian; Alexandrov, D.V., Ivanov, A.O., (2000) J. Cryst. Growth, 210, p. 197; Chen, F., (1997) J. Cryst. Growth, 179, p. 277; Czapelski, M., (1998) J. Cryst. Growth, 187, p. 138
Correspondence Address Alexandrov, D.V.; Department of Mathematical Physics, Urals State University, Lenin ave. 51, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Acta Mater
Source Scopus