Study of Metal Strained State During Workpiece Reduction in a Three-Roll Screw-Rolling Mill / Bogatov A. A.,Pavlov D. A. // METALLURGIST. - 2017. - V. 61, l. 3-4. - P. 311-317.

0026-0894 / 1573-8892
Results are given for a study of metal deformation state with screw rolling in a three-roll mill by means of computer modeling. Quantitative characteristics are obtained for the unequal distribution of degree of deformation through a workpiece cross section. Features are established for the use of screw line pitch length, partial reduction, and penetration index for the plastic deformation zone to workpiece axis in relation to screw line pitch number. Recommendations are given according to which in calculating roll calibration the roll profi le should be selected so that deformation penetrates the whole workpiece depth over the whole deformation site length.
Author keywords:
screw rolling; finite-element modeling; deformation state
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Month JUL
Publisher SPRINGER
Address 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA
Language English
EISSN 1573-8892
Research-Areas Metallurgy \& Metallurgical Engineering
Web-of-Science-Categories Metallurgy \& Metallurgical Engineering
Funding-Acknowledgement RF {[}MK-3011.2017.8]; RF Government {[}02.A03.21.0006]; {[}11.9538.2017/VR]
Funding-Text The work was supported by the RF President grant MK-3011.2017.8 and Decree No. 211 of RF Government (Contact No. 02.A03.21.0006) and was carried within the framework of the project part of State Assignment No. 11.9538.2017/VR.
Number-of-Cited-References 15
Journal-ISO Metallurgist
Doc-Delivery-Number FE7TH