Heterocyclization of compounds containing diazo and cyano groups. 5. 2-Diazo-2-cyanoacetazide in the synthesis of 5-halo-1H-1,2,3-triazone-4-carboxylic acid azides / Kolobov M.Yu., Bakulev V.A., Mokrushin V.S., Lebedev A.T. // Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. - 1987. - V. 23, l. 11. - P. 1202-1206.

A method for the synthesis of 2-diazo-2-cyanoacetazide was developed, and its reaction with various nucleophilic reagents was investigated. 5-Halo-1H-1,2, 3-triazole-4-carboxazides and their 4-carbamoyl and 4-ethoxycarbonylamino derivatives were obtained. © 1988 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-34250092211&doi=10.1007%2fBF00479369&partnerID=40&md5=090446e6695cb1d511a3e0d47dfc6832
Affiliations S. M. Kirov Ural Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk, 620002, Russian Federation
References Bakulev, V.A., Dankova, E.F., Mokrushin, V.S., Sidorov, E.O., Lebedev, A.T., (1987) Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin., 6, p. 845; Shafran, Bakulev, V.A., Mokrushin, V.S., Alekseev, S.G., (1984) Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin., 9, p. 1266; Shafran, Bakulev, V.A., Mokrushin, V.S., Validuda, G.A., (1986) Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin., 5, p. 691; Shafran, Bakulev, V.A., Mokrushin, V.S., Alekseev, S.G., Lebedev, A.T., Sharbatyan, P.A., (1986) Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin., 7, p. 926; Federico, G., Alonso, R., Alonso, G., (1979) J. Med. Chem., 22, p. 496; Guenter, D., Netsler, H., Roesch, G., Schiuzel, E., (1980) Chem. Abstr., 93, p. 73786; Guenther, D., Nestler, H., Roesch, G., Schiuzel, E., Erchel, R., (1979) Chem. Abstr., 91, p. 159046; Newall, C., Touge, A.P., (1980) Chem. Abstr., 92, p. 22497; Hoover, J., Day, A., (1956) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 78, p. 5832; Derek, R., Smith, H., (1980) Chem. Abstr., 92, p. 76512; Balli, H., Löw, R., Müller, V., Rempfler, H., Sezen, G., (1978) Helvetica Chimica Acta, 61, p. 97; Cataliotti, R., Paliani, G., Sorrisa, S., (1974) Spectrosc. Lett., 7, p. 449
Correspondence Address Kolobov, M.Yu.; S. M. Kirov Ural Polytechnical Institute, Sverdlovsk, 620002, Russian Federation
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Chem Heterocycl Compd
Source Scopus