Study of field-induced evolution of the domain geometry in lithium niobate and lithium tantalate single crystals by in situ optical method / Shur V.Ya., Baturin I.S., Nebogatikov M.S., Negashev S.A., Lobov A.I., Rodina E.A. // Ferroelectrics. - 2008. - V. 374, l. 1 PART 2. - P. 78-87.

Conference Paper
The registration of light diffraction on domain structure was applied for studying the domain structure evolution during polarization reversal in single crystals of different representatives of lithium niobate LiNbO3 and lithium tantalate LiTaO3 family. The evolution of the angular dependence of diffracted light intensity during polarization reversal was used for characterization of the domain structure kinetics. Comparison of the angular dependences with corresponding instantaneous domain patterns allows to propose the interpretation of the domain structure evolution. Spatial filtration of the diffracted beam allowed to separate the relative input of domain walls of different orientations with high temporal resolution.
Author keywords:
Diffraction; Domain kinetics; Domain structure; Domain wall; Lithium niobate; Lithium tantalate
Index keywords:
Angular dependence; Diffracted beams; Diffracted light; Domain geometry; Domain kinetics; Domain pattern; Domain structure; High temporal resolution; In-situ; Light diffraction; Lithium niobate; Lithi
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Affiliations Ferroelectric Laboratory, Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Diffraction; Domain kinetics; Domain structure; Domain wall; Lithium niobate; Lithium tantalate
References Fatuzzo, E., Merz, W.J., (1967) Ferroelectricity, , Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company; Shur, V.Y., Nikolaeva, E.V., Shishkin, E.I., Kozhevnikov, V.L., Chernykh, A.P., Terabe, K., Kitamura, K., (2001) Appl. Phys. Lett, 79, p. 3146; Gopalan, V., Jia, Q.X., Mitchell, T.E., (1999) Appl. Phys. Lett, 75, p. 2482; Gopalan, V., Mitchell, T.E., (1999) J. Appl. Phys, 85, p. 2304; Soergel, E., (2005) Appl. Phys. B, 81, p. 729; Muller, M.L., Soergel, E., Buse, K., (2003) Opt. Lett, 28, p. 2515; Muller, M., Soergel, E., Buse, K., (2004) Appl. Opt, 43, p. 6344; Muller, M., Soergel, E., Wengler, M.C., Buse, K., (2004) Appl. Phys. B, 78, p. 367; Merz, W.J., (1956) J. Appl. Phys, 27, p. 938; Muller, M., Soergel, E., Buse, K., (2003) Opt. Lett, 28, p. 2515; Shur, V.Y., (2005) Nucleation Theory and Applications, p. 178. , ed. by J. W. P Schmelzer, WILEY-VCH, Weinheim; Shur, V.Y., (2006) J. Mat. Sci, 41, p. 199; Lobov, A.I., Shur, V.Y., Baturin, I.S., Shishkin, E.I., Kuznetsov, D.K., Shur, A.G., Dolbilov, M.A., Gallo, K., (2006) Ferroelectrics, 341, p. 109; Shur, V.Y., Nikolaeva, E.V., Shishkin, E.I., Chernykh, A.P., Terabe, K., Kitamura, K., Ito, H., Nakamura, K., (2002) Ferroelectrics, 269, p. 195; Baturin, I.S., Akhmatkhanov, A.R., Shur, V.Y., Nebogatikov, M.S., Dolbilov, M.A., Rodina, E.A., Palatnikov, M.N., (2008) Ferroelectrics, , current issue
Correspondence Address Nebogatikov, M. S.; Ferroelectric Laboratory, Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Sponsors Taylor and Francis Inc.;International Journal 'Ferroelectrics';Russian Foundation for Basic Research;Dynasty Foundation;NT-MDT Company
Conference name 2nd International Symposium on Micro- and Nano-Scale Domain Structuring in Ferroelectrics, ISDS'07
Conference date 22 August 2007 through 26 August 2007
Conference location Ekaterinburg
Conference code 79212
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Ferroelectrics
Source Scopus