Direct study of super-fast domain kinetics in lead germanate single crystals / Shur V.Ya., Baturin I.S., Rumyantsev E.L., Pelegov D.V., Mingaliev E.A., Samarin P.V. // Ferroelectrics. - 2006. - V. 341, l. 1 PART 2. - P. 67-74.

Conference Paper
The detail experimental study of the domain kinetics in wide field range was carried out in a uniaxial ferroelectric lead germanate Pb5Ge 3O11 with optically distinguishable 180 domains. The application of the stroboscopic method allows us to realize the in situ study of super-fast domain kinetics during cyclic switching in microsecond range. Three qualitatively distinctive regimes of domain evolution: slow, fast, and super-fast were revealed and domain kinetics was statistically analyzed. The explanation of the observed effects is based on taking into account the variation of the efficiency of the bulk screening of the depolarization field.
Author keywords:
Cyclic switching; Domain structure; Lead germanate; Stroboscopic method
Index keywords:
Depolarization fields; Domain evolution; Domain kinetics; Domain structure; Experimental studies; In-Situ Study; Lead germanate; Wide field; Ferroelectric materials; Germanium; Lead; Nanostructured ma
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Affiliations Ferroelectric Laboratory, Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Cyclic switching; Domain structure; Lead germanate; Stroboscopic method
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Correspondence Address Shur, V. Ya.; Ferroelectric Laboratory, Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Sponsors Taylor and Francis Inc.;Russian Foundation for Basic Research;Ekaterinburg City Administration;International Journal 'Ferroelectrics';Spectralus Co.
Conference name International Symposium on Micro- and Nano-Scale Domain Structuring in Ferroelectrics, ISDS'05
Conference date 15 November 2005 through 19 November 2005
Conference location Ekaterinburg
Conference code 79191
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Ferroelectrics
Source Scopus