The concept of a comprehensive system for monitoring the state of the equipment of a power unit / Aronson K.E., Akif'eva N.N., Brodov Yu.M., Bogatova T.F., Murmanskii B.E., Kortenko V.V. // Thermal Engineering (English translation of Teploenergetika). - 2002. - V. 49, l. 2. - P. 137-144.

The main provisions and the structural-functional scheme of a comprehensive system for monitoring (CSM) the state of the equipment of a power unit are developed. Within the scope of the general concept, the developments of different specialists concerning the diagnostics of individual items of equipment can be united. Copyright © 2002 by MAIK "Nauka /Interperiodica" (Russia).
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Equipment; Comprehensive system; Power units; Structural-functional; Monitoring
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Affiliations Ural State Technical University (UGTU), Ural Polytechnical Institute (UPI), OAO Turbine-Motor Works (TMZ), Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
References Kovalev, N.A., The development of algorithms for the functioning and identification of defects in the automatic system of vibration diagnostics Tr. TsKTI, (19), pp. 27-33; Ur'ev, E.V., Murmanskii, B.E., Brodov, Yu.M., The concept of the system of vibration diagnostics of a steam turbine (1995) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (4), pp. 36-40; Perminov, I.A., Orlik, V.G., Gordinskii, A.A., The diagnostics of the state of the flow paths of powerful steam turbines using station computer systems (1992) Tr. TsKTI, (273), pp. 58-61; Baran, L.S., Development of the system of comprehensive technical diagnostics of the condensing installation of a k-800-240-3 turbine (1994) Tr. TsKTI, (279), pp. 40-51; Brodov, Yu.M., Aronson, K.E., Nirenshtein, M.A., The concept of the system of diagnostics for the condensing installation of a steam turbine (1997) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (7), pp. 34-38; Brodov, Yu.M., Velikovich, V.I., Nirenshtein, M.A., (1999) Podogrevateli Setevoi Vody v Sistemakh Teplosnabzheniya TES i AES (Network-Water Heaters in Sys Tems of Heat Supply of Thermal and Nuclear Power Stations), , Ekaterinburg: UGTU; Brodov, Yu.M., Nirenshtein, M.A., Aronson, K.E., Ryabchikov, A.Yu., Heat transfer apparatus in systems for regenerative heating of the feedwater of steam tube installations (1998) Ekaterinburg: UGTU; Trukhnii, A.D., Zroichikov, N.A., Lomakin, B.V., Sedov, I.V., An information-diagnostics system for inspection of the network water heaters of a t-250/300-240 turbine installation (1998) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (1), pp. 30-34; Zhuravel, A.M., Blokh, A.G., Gorb, E.I., Diagnostics of the furnace of a tgmp-204 boiler (1994) Tr. TsKTI, p. 279; Leizerovich, A.Sh., Safonov, L.P., Gordinskii, A.A., Experience in creating and mastering automated systems and subsystems for the diagnostical inspection of power units at thermal power stations (1994) Tr. TsKTI, (279), pp. 3-9; Safonov, L.P., Zhuravel, A.M., Litvinov, V.K., The development and introduction of the automated system of technical diagnostics within the process control system for an 800-mw power unit at the zaporozh'e district power station (1994) Tr. TsKTI, (279), pp. 10-15; Gordinskii, A.A., Popov, E.G., Zhuravel, A.M., The functional-algorithmic structure of the automated system of technical diagnostics for the equipment of the power units at a thermal power station (1994) Tr. TsKTI, (279), pp. 20-23; Leizerovich, A.Sh., First experience in creating expert systems for thermal power stations (1990) Elektr. Stn., (5), pp. 1-7; Leizerovich, A.Sh., Sorokin, G.K., The elaboration of a standard for adapting the heat power and mechanical equipment of the power units of a thermal power station to diagnostics (1993) Teploenergetika (Moscow), (5), pp. 62-64; Bolotin, V.V., (1980) Prognozirovanie Resursa Mashin i Konstruktsii (A Forecast of the Service Life of Machines and Constructions), , Moscow: Mashinostroenie; (1983) GOST (State Standard) 27.002-89: Reliability in Technology. Main Concepts. Terms and Definitions., , Moscow, Izd. Standartov
Publisher Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Therm Eng
Source Scopus