Influence of preliminary cold deformation on the cavitation-corrosion resistance of 12Kh18N9T steel / Berezovskaya V.V., Veksler Yu.G., Manakova N.A. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 1986. - V. 28, l. 6. - P. 458-461.

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References Bogachev, I.N., (1973) Cavitation and Cavitation-Resistant Steels and Alloys, , Metallurgiya, Moscow; Virakhovskii, Georgieva, Gurevich, The use of the martensite transformation caused by deformation for increasing the plasticity of austenitic steels hardene by warm work hardening (1971) Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 32 (2), pp. 348-363; Rozhkova, S.B., Osintseva, A.L., The mechanical properties of and phase transformations in austenitic Cr−Mn steels at +20 and −196°C (1980) Metalloved. Term. Obrad. Met., 10, pp. 21-24; Yu. G. Veksler and V. V. Berezovskaya, "An investigation of the corrosion properties of steels in cavitation in phosphoric acid solutions," in: Summaries of the Eighth Ural School of Metallurgists and Heat Treaters on "Modern Problems of the Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals’ [in Russian], Sverdlovsk-Perm (1983), pp. 96–97; Karasyuk, Kocherov, V.I., Benino, V.V., Galaktinova, N.L., The relationship of corrosion and erosion factors in the cavitation failure of metals (1976) Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater., 12 (5), pp. 87-91; Gutman, É. M., (1981) The Mechanical Chemistry of Metals and Protection from Corrosion, , Metallurgiya, Moscow; Alderisio, A., Brevaglieri, B., Sighorelli, G., The effect of cold deformation on the anodic behavior of an austenitic Cr−Ni stainless steel (1977) Ann. Chim., 67 (1-2), pp. 1-8
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Met Sci Heat Treat
Source Scopus