On partial detectability of the nonlinear dynamic systems / Vorotnikov V.I., Martyshenko Yu.G. // Automation and Remote Control. - 2009. - V. 70, l. 1. - P. 20-32.

Conditions were obtained under which the uniform stability (uniform asymptotic stability) in one part of the variables of the zero equilibrium position of the nonlinear nonstationary system of ordinary differential equations implies the uniform stability (uniform asymptotic stability) of this equilibrium position relative to another, larger part of variables. Conditions were also obtained under which the uniform stability (uniform asymptotic stability) in one part of variables of the "partial" (zero) equilibrium position of the nonlinear nonstationary system of ordinary differential equations implies the uniform stability (uniform asymptotic stability) of this equilibrium position. These conditions complement a number of the well-known results of the theory of partial stability and partial detectability of the nonlinear dynamic systems. Application of the results obtained to the problems of partial stabilization of the nonlinear control systems was considered. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Asymptotic analysis; Asymptotic stability; Control systems; Dynamic programming; Dynamical systems; Flow of fluids; Lyapunov methods; Motion control; Nonlinear control systems; Nonlinear equations; Or
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Affiliations Ural State Technical University, Nizhni Tagil Technological Institute, Nizhni Tagil, Russian Federation
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Correspondence Address Vorotnikov, V. I.; Ural State Technical University, Nizhni Tagil Technological Institute, Nizhni Tagil, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Autom. Remote Control
Source Scopus