Problems of the partial stability and detectability of dynamical systems / Alekseyeva C.A., Vorotnikov V.I., Feofanova V.A. // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 2007. - V. 71, l. 6. - P. 869-879.

The conditions under which uniform stability (uniform asymptotic stability) with respect to a part of the variables of the zero equilibrium position of a non-linear non-stationary system of ordinary differential equations signifies uniform stability (uniform asymptotic stability) of this equilibrium position with respect the other, larger part of the variables, which include an additional group of coordinates of the phase vector, are established. These conditions include the condition for uniform asymptotic stability of the zero equilibrium position of the "reduced" subsystem of the original system with respect to the additional group of variables. Since within the conditions obtained the stability with respect to the remaining unmeasured coordinates of the phase vector remains undetermined or is investigated additionally, partial zero-detectability of the original system occurs in this case, and the conditions obtained supplement the series of known results from partial stability theory. The application of the results obtained to problems of the partial stabilization of non-linear controlled systems, particularly to the problem of stabilizing an asymmetric rigid body relative to an assigned direction in an inertial space, is considered. The partial detectability of linear systems with constant coefficients is also investigated. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Asymptotic stability; Nonlinear control systems; Problem solving; Vectors; Constant coefficients; Partial stability theory; Zero equilibrium position; Dynamical systems
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Affiliations Nizhnii Tagil, Russian Federation
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Correspondence Address Alekseyeva, C.A.; Nizhnii TagilRussian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J. Appl. Math. Mech.
Source Scopus