The control of the angular motion of a solid with interference. A game-theoretic approach / Vorotnikov V.I. // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 1994. - V. 58, l. 3. - P. 457-476.

A constructive method for control synthesis for the problem of the reorientation of an asymmetric solid is presented using a game-theoretic model of interference. Prescribed "geometric constraints" on the control functions are taken into account. The method is based on a choice of the structural form of control rules that enables the solution of the original non-linear problem to be reduced to solving auxiliary linear game-theoretic problems. The non-linear control rules obtained in this way are robust (stable) and ensure that the body arrives at the prescribed state in a finite time, which can be computed within the framework of the proposed solution scheme starting from the time-optimization requirement. A method of estimating the guaranteed minimum reorientation time is given. The results of a computer simulation are presented. © 1994.
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Affiliations Nizhnii TagilUSSR
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Correspondence Address Vorotnikov, V.I.
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J. Appl. Math. Mech.
Source Scopus