Some peculiarities of pulmonary clearance mechanisms in rats after intratracheal instillation of magnetite (Fe3O4) suspensions with different particle sizes in the nanometer and micrometer ranges: Are we defenseless against nanoparticles? / Katsnelson B., Privalova L.I., Kuzmin S.V., Degtyareva T.D., Sutunkova M.P., Yeremenko O.S., Minigalieva I.A., Kireyeva E.P., Khodos M.Y., Kozitsina A.N., Malakhova N.A., Glazyrina J.A., Shur V.Y., Shishkin E.I., Nikolaeva E.V. // International Journal of Occ

We studied differences between phagocytic responses to nanoparticles (NPs) versus microparticles in the pulmonary region by synthesizing magnetite of different sizes and instilling suspensions of these particles intratracheally into rats' lungs. Ten and 50 nm particles caused a greater increase in cell counts of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) than the instillation of microparticles. The response to 10 nm particles was weaker than to 50 nm ones, and the smaller NPs were more cytotoxic; both were more cytotoxic than the microparticles. Phagocytic activity was also studied using optical and atomic force microscopy. Phagocytes were more "loaded" in the lungs instilled with 10 nm particles as compared with those instilled with 50 nm particles; NPs of both sizes were engulfed more avidly than microparticles. We found in a separate comparative experiment that magnetite NPs were more cytotoxic than titanium dioxide and quartz suspensions having particle size distribution typical of industrial dusts.
Author keywords:
Magnetite; Microparticles; Nanoparticles; Pulmonary phagocytosis; Quartz dust; Titanium dioxide
Index keywords:
ferric ion; ferric oxide; magnetite nanoparticle; animal; article; cytology; drug effect; female; immunology; lung; lung alveolus macrophage; lung lavage; neutrophil; particle size; pathology; phagocy
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Affiliations Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers, 30 Popov Str., Ekaterinburg 620014, Russian Federation; Ural State Economic University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Magnetite; Microparticles; Nanoparticles; Pulmonary phagocytosis; Quartz dust; Titanium dioxide
Chemicals/CAS ferric ion, 20074-52-6; ferric oxide, 1309-37-1, 56449-54-8; Ferric Compounds; Magnetite Nanoparticles; ferric oxide, 1309-37-1
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Correspondence Address Katsnelson, B.; Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers, 30 Popov Str., Ekaterinburg 620014, Russian Federation; email:
PubMed ID 21222393
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title int. J. Occup. Environ. Health
Source Scopus