Barkhausen jumps in the motion of a single ferroelectric domain wall / Shur V.Ya., Kozhevnikov V.L., Pelegov D.V., Nikolaeva E.V., Shishkin E.I. // Physics of the Solid State. - 2001. - V. 43, l. 9. - P. 1128-1131.

It is shown that the motion of a domain wall in the improper ferroelectric-ferroelastic gadolinium molyhdate Gd2(MoO4)3 demonstrates a self-organized critical behavior under polarization reversal. Barkhausen pulses are measured experimentally during the jumpwise motion of a single plane domain wall in monocrystalline plates with artificial pinning centers of the "field inhomogeneity" type. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".
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Affiliations Inst. of Phys. and Appl. Mathematics, Ural State University, Yekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation
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Correspondence Address Shur, V.Ya.; Inst. of Phys. and Appl. Mathematics, Ural State University, Yekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Phys. Solid State
Source Scopus