Smooth and jump-like dynamics of the plane domain wall in gadolinium molybdate / Shur V.Ya., Nikolaeva E.V., Rumyantsev E.L., Shishkin E.I., Subbotin A.L., Kozhevnikov V.L. // Ferroelectrics. - 1999. - V. 222, l. 1-4. - P. 323-331.

The paper deals with the detail investigation of the smooth motion of the single plane domain wall (PDW) in the vicinity of the initial/steady position and analysis of the mechanisms of Barkhausen noise generation during PDW jump-like motion.
Author keywords:
Barkhausen noise; Depolarization field; Domain kinetics; Domain wall; Retardation; Screening; Switching
Index keywords:
нет данных
нет данных
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Affiliations Inst. of Phys. and Appl. Mathematics, Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Barkhausen noise; Depolarization field; Domain kinetics; Domain wall; Retardation; Screening; Switching
References Aizu, K., Kumada, A., Yumoto, H., Ashida, S., (1969) J. Phys. Soc. Jap, 27, p. 511; Kumada, A., (1969) Phys. Lett, 30 A, p. 186; Shur, V.Ya., Gruverman, A.L., Kuminov, V.P., Tonkachyova, N.A., (1990) Ferroelectrics, 111, p. 197; Flippen, R.B., (1975) J. Appl. Phys, 46, p. 1068; Shur, V.Ya., Rumyantsev, E.L., (1997) Ferroelectrics, 191, p. 319; Shur, V.Ya., (1996) Ferroelectric Thin Films: Synthesis and Basic Properties, 10, p. 153. , eds. C.A. Paz de Araujo, J.F. Scott, G.W. Taylor Gordon & Breach Science Publ; Shur, V.Ya., Popov, Yu.A., Soldatov, G.B., (1983) Sov. Phys. Solid State, 25, p. 148; Shur, V.Ya., Popov, Yu.A., Korovina, N.V., (1984) Sov. Phys. Solid State, 26, p. 471; Fridkin, V.M., (1980) Ferroelectrics Semiconductors, , Consultants Bureau, New York and London; Lambeck, P.V., Jonker, G.H., (1978) Ferroelectrics, 22, p. 729; Kumada, A., (1972) Ferroelectrics, 3, p. 115; Drougard, M.E., Landauer, R., (1959) J. Appl. Phys., 30, p. 1663; Roytburd, A.L., (1988) Pisma v JETF, 47 (3), p. 141; Flippen, R.B., Haas, C.W., (1973) Solid State Comm., 13, p. 1207; Shur, V.Ya., Gruverman, A.L., Kuminov, V.P., Tonkachyova, N.A., (1992) Ferroelectrics, 130, p. 341; Shur, V.Ya., Letuchev, V.V., Rumyantsev, E.L., Charikova, T.B., (1986) Sov. Phy Solid State, 28, p. 1583
Correspondence Address Shur, V.Ya.; Inst. of Phys. and Appl. Mathematics, Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Ferroelectrics
Source Scopus