Mössbauer spectroscopy with high velocity resolution in the study of iron-bearing minerals in meteorites / Grokhovsky V.I., Oshtrakh M.I., Petrova E.V., Larionov M.Yu., Uymina K.A., Semionkin V.A. // European Journal of Mineralogy. - 2009. - V. 21, l. 1. - P. 51-63.

Conference Paper
Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy with a higher velocity resolution than commonly applied appeared to be useful for obtaining hyperfine parameters of 57Fe nuclei with a lower experimental error and for a better fit of complicated spectra. The study of iron-bearing phases in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites as well as iron meteorite and extracted iron-nickel phosphides by Mössbauer spectroscopy with an improved velocity resolution (measurement in 4096 channels, presentation in 1024 channels) demonstrated new results which had not been obtained from Mössbauer spectra measured in 512 channels or less. In particular, it was possible to reveal spectral components related to Ml and M2 sites in olivine and pyroxene in Mössbauer spectra of bulk samples of ordinary chondrites and then to evaluate the temperatures of equilibrium cation distribution. Moreover, differences in small variations of Mössbauer hyperfine parameters were obtained for Fe in M1 and M2 sites for both olivine and pyroxene. © 2009 E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, D-70176 Stuttgart.
Author keywords:
High velocity resolution; Iron-bearing minerals; Meteorites; Mö; Ssbauer spectroscopy
Index keywords:
carbonaceous chondrite; conference proceeding; iron; meteorite; mineralogy; Mossbauer spectroscopy; nickel; olivine; ordinary chondrite; phosphide group; pyroxene
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-78650221070&doi=10.1127%2f0935-1221%2f2009%2f0021-1904&partnerID=40&md5=d04fb8e97568091be9aff520a79f9267
Affiliations Faculty of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control, Ural State Technical University, UPI, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation; Faculty of Experimental Physics, Ural State Technical University, UPI, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
Author Keywords High velocity resolution; Iron-bearing minerals; Meteorites; Mö; Ssbauer spectroscopy
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Correspondence Address Oshtrakh, M. I.; Faculty of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control, Ural State Technical University, UPI, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation; email: oshtrakh@mail.utnet.ru
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Eur. J. Mineral.
Source Scopus