The relationship of mössbauer hyperfine parameters and structural variations of iron containing proteins and model compounds in biomedical research / Oshtrakh M.I. // Hyperfine Interactions. - 2005. - V. 159, l. 1-4. - P. 337-343.

The relationship of Mössbauer hyperfine parameters and structural variations of iron containing proteins and model compounds was considered as applied to biomedical research. It was shown that Mössbauer hyperfine parameters give new information about structural changes of proteins during molecular diseases or effect of environment factors as well as about structural peculiarities of pharmaceutical compounds. © Springer 2005.
Author keywords:
Biomedical research; Hyperfine parameters; Iron containing proteins; Mössbauer spectra; Pharmaceutical compounds; Structural variations
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Affiliations Division of Applied Biophysics, Faculty of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control, Ural State Technical University - UPI, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Biomedical research; Hyperfine parameters; Iron containing proteins; Mössbauer spectra; Pharmaceutical compounds; Structural variations
References Oshtrakh, M.I., (1996) Z. Naturforsch., 51 A, p. 381; Oshtrakh, M.I., (2004) Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 60, p. 217; Oshtrakh, M.I., (2004) Faraday Discuss., 126, p. 119; Ding, X.Q., Hsia, Y.F., (1988) Hyperfine Interact., 42, p. 893; Bauminger, E.R., (1983) Hyperfine Interact., 15-16, p. 885; Cheng, Y., (2000) Chem-Biol. Interact., 125, p. 191; Oshtrakh, M.I., (2001) Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res., B185, p. 129; Zeng, X.S., Lian, Y., Ren, B.Z., (1988) Jinan Li-yi Xuebao, 3, p. 27; Oshtrakh, M.I., Semionkin, V.A., (1990) Stud. Biophys., 139, p. 157; St. Pierre, T.G., Chua-anusorn, W., (1998) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1407, p. 51; Oshtrakh, M.I., Milder, O.B., Semionkin, V.A., (2004) Hyperfine Interact., 156-157, p. 279; Oshtrakh, M.I., Milder, O.B., Semionkin, V.A., (2000) Int. J. Biol Macromol., 28, p. 51; Oshtrakh, M.I., Semionkin, V.A., (2001) Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 29, p. 303
Correspondence Address Oshtrakh, M.I.; Division of Applied Biophysics, Faculty of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control, Ural State Technical University - UPI, Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Hyperfine Interact.
Source Scopus