Study of deformation processes in a loaded atomic membrane / Kuznetsov V.I., Ovchinnikov V.V., Porodnov B.T., Seleznev V.D., Surguchev V.V. // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. - 1989. - V. 30, l. 3. - P. 477-481.

[No abstract available]
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References G. N. Flerov, “Synthesis of superheavy elements and use of atomic physics methods in related fields,” Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 4 (1984); Palatnik, L.S., Cherekoi, P.G., Fuks, (1982) Pores in Films [in Russian], , Énergoizdat, Moscow; V. I. Kuznetsov, V. V. Ovchinnikov, et al., “Gasdynamic determination of pore radius for membranes of the cellular type,” Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 4, No. 2 (1983); Gul', V.E., Kuleznev, V.N., (1966) Structure and Mechanical Properties of Polymers [in Russian], , Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow; Askadskii, A.A., (1973) Deformation of Polymers [in Russian], , Khimiya, Moscow; Gul', V.E., D'yakonova, V.P., (1978) Physicochemical Bases for the Production of Polymer Films [in Russian], , Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow; Landau, L.D., Lifshits, E.M., (1965) Elasticity Theory [in Russian], , Nauka, Moscow; S. F. Borisov, B. A. Kalinin, et al., “Micromanometer with a digital counter,” Prib. Tekh. Éksp., No. 4 (1972); Aleksandrov, O.E., Seleznev, V.D., Ovchinnikov, V.V., (1987) Study of the evolution of the inlet profile of atomic membrane pores, , OIYaI, Dubna
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J Appl Mech Tech Phys
Source Scopus