Dosimetric application of green luminescence in irradiated TLD-500 detectors / Vokhmintsev A.S., Weinstein I.A., Kortov V.S. // Radiation Measurements. - 2013. - V. 56, l. . - P. 228-231.

The spectral and kinetic characteristics of thermoluminescence (TL) for anion-defective α-Al2O3 single crystals in the 4.4-2.2 eV range at 300-600 K were studied. Three-dimensional (3D) plots of the luminescence under research for a sample before and after UV irradiation at 623 K for 30 min were analyzed. The increase in the emission response in the 2.4 and 3.7 eV bands for the sample after the photothermal treatment was observed. The dominant contribution of a thermally stimulated process with first-order kinetics in the regularities of the 2.4 eV luminescence was shown. The linearity of the dose dependences for the 2.4 eV TL response in different samples at 10-5-1 Gy was demonstrated. The advantage of using the green thermoluminescence in the TLD-500 for solid state dosimetry was discussed. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author keywords:
Aluminum oxide; F2-center; First-order kinetic; Interstitial aluminum; TL dosimetry
Index keywords:
Aluminum oxides; Dominant contributions; F2-center; First order kinetics; Green luminescence; Kinetic characteristics; Thermally stimulated process; TL dosimetry; Dosimetry; Kinetics; Three dimensiona
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Affiliations Ural Federal University, Mira 19, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Aluminum oxide; F2-center; First-order kinetic; Interstitial aluminum; TL dosimetry
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Correspondence Address Vokhmintsev, A.S.; Ural Federal University, Mira 19, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Radiat. Meas.
Source Scopus