The Expansion of the Hamiltonian of the Planetary Problem into the Poisson Series in All Keplerian Elements (Theory) / Kholshevnikov K.V., Greb A.V., Kuznetsov E.D. // Solar System Research. - 2001. - V. 35, l. 3. - P. 243-248.

The study of the evolution of planetary systems, primarily of the Solar System, is one of the basic problems of celestial mechanics. The stability of motion of giant planets on cosmogonic time scales was established by numerical and analytical methods, but the question about the evolution of orbits of terrestrial planets and arbitrary solar-type planetary systems remained open. This work initiates a series of papers allowing one to advance in solving the problem of the evolution of the solar-type planetary systems on cosmogonic time scales by using powerful analytical tools. In the first paper of this series, we choose the optimum reference system and obtain the Poisson series expansion of the Hamiltonian of the problem in all Keplerian elements. We propose to use the integral representation of the corresponding coefficients or the Poisson processor means instead of conventionally addressing any possible special functions. This approach extremely simplifies the algorithm. The next paper of this series deals with the calculation of the expansion coefficients.
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Affiliations Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg State University, Bibliotechnaya pl. 2, Petrodvorets, 198904, Russian Federation; Ural State University, ul. Lenina 51, Yekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation
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Correspondence Address Kholshevnikov, K.V.; Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg State University, Bibliotechnaya pl. 2, Petrodvorets, 198904, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Sol. Syst. Res.
Source Scopus