The celestial bodies motion theories: On the required accuracy of the motion theories of the perturbing bodies / Kuznetsov E.D. // Planetary and Space Science. - 1997. - V. 45, l. 12. - P. 1595-1606.

The equation for calculation of the required accuracy of the perturbing bodies motion theories is obtained. The equation relates the accuracy required to take into account perturbing accelration, acting on the perturbed body, with the accuracy of the motion theory of the perturbing body. The solutions for estimation of the required accuracy both for the inner and the external cases in the spherical coordinates are coincided. The solution for the calculation of the required accuracy for the general case (combining the inner and the external cases) in Cartesian coordinates is obtained. The special cases for the solution in Cartesian coordinates are studied. As an example, the estimations of the required accuracy of the motion theories of the solar system planets for some perturbed bodies (the near-Earth asteroid 4179 Toutatis, the main belt asteroid 208 Larcimosa, the trojan asteroid 588 A chilles, the centaur asteroid 5145 Pholus, the Kuiper belt asteroid 1995 QZ9, the comet Halley) are obtained. The conditions of the use of the obtained results are discussed.
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Affiliations Department of Astronomy and Geodesy, Ural State University, Lenin ave. 51, 620083, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
References Antonov, V.A., Timoshkova, E.I., Kholshevnikov, K.V., Shkovdrov, V.G., (1988) Introduction to the Theory of the Newtonian Potential, , Nauka, Moscow (1988); Kuznetsov, E.D., On the required accuracy of the theory of motion of perturbing bodies (1994) Astronomicheskii Zhurnal., 71, pp. 944-949. , (1994), Abstract-INSPEC; Simon, J.L., Bretagnon, P., Chapront, J., Chapront-Touzé, M., Francou, G., Laskar, J., Numerical expressions for precession formulae and mean elements for the Moon and the planets (1994) Astron. Astrophys., 282, pp. 663-683. , (1994), Abstract-INSPEC
Correspondence Address Kuznetsov, E.D.; Department of Astronomy and Geodesy, Ural State University, Lenin ave. 51, 620083, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Planet. Space Sci.
Source Scopus