A magnetic susceptibility study of low-temperature oxidation of lithium manganate(III) / Karelina V.V., Gorshkov V.S., Blinovskov Ya.N., Kellerman D.G. // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. - 2000. - V. 74, l. 12. - P. 1959-1963.

The method of magnetic susceptibility is shown to be a convenient tool for studying the oxidation of compounds that contain transition metals. This method allows both kinetic parameters and the properties of substances at various oxidation stages to be determined simultaneously. Low-temperature oxidation of LiMnO2 results in the formation of cubic spinel close in properties to Li4Mn5O12. The conclusion is drawn that the process can be a method for preparing lithium-manganese spinels with high lithium contents.
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Affiliations Institute of Solid-State Chemistry, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pervomaiskaya ul. 91, Yekaterinburg, 620219, Russian Federation
References Gorshkov, V.S., Kellerman, D.G., Karelina, V.V., (1999) Zh. Fiz. Khim., 73 (6), p. 1041; Gusev, A.I., Rempel', A.A., (1985) Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad), 27 (5), p. 1528; Brown, M.E., Dollimore, D., Galwey, A.K., (1980) Reactions in the Solid State, Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, , Tipper, C.F.H. and Bamford, C.H., Eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier; (1983) Reaktsii Tverdykh Tel, , Moscow: Mir; Tabuchi, M., Ado, K., Masquelier, C., Matsubara, I., Sakaebe, H., Kageyama, H., Kobayashi, H., Nakamura, O., (1996) Solid State Ionics, 89, p. 53; Strobel, P., Le Cras, F., Anne, M., (1996) J. Solid State Chem., 124 (1), p. 83; Logvinenko, V.A., Paulik, F., Paulik, I., (1989) Kvaziravnovesnaya Termogravimetriya v Sovremennoi Neorganicheskoi Khimii (Quasi-equilibrium Thermogravimetry in Modern Inorganic Chemistry), , Novosibirsk: Nauka; Kellerman, D.G., Gorshkov, V.S., Zubkov, V.G., Perelyaev, V.A., Galakhov, V.R., Kurmaev, E.Z., Ulenbrok, S., Noimann, M., (1997) Zh. Neorg. Khim., 42 (6), p. 1012; Greedan, J.E., Raju, N.P., Davidson, I.J., (1997) J. Solid State Chem., 128, p. 209; Tokeda, T., Hayakawa, H., Akiba, E., Izumi, F., Chakoumakos, B.C., (1997) J. Power Sources, 68, p. 613; Kim, J., Manthriam, A., (1998) J. Electrochem. Soc., 145 (4), p. 53
Correspondence Address Karelina, V.V.; Institute of Solid-State Chemistry, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pervomaiskaya ul. 91, Yekaterinburg, 620219, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A
Source Scopus