Energy analysis of a through-put radial forging machine / Bourkine S.P., Babailov N.A., Loginov Y.N., Shimov V.V. // Journal of Materials Processing Technology. - 1998. - V. 86, l. 1-3. - P. 291-299.

The problem of a detailed study of the thermomechanical features of radial reduction is associated with the new technological processes of the direct combination of continuous casting and forming of metals and alloys. It is difficult to secure economical efficiency in small-tonnage metallurgical production by means of the employment of traditional technological schemes. If the heat of the casting operation is used for the following hot working, the production of metal products can be made economical for comparatively small volumes of production (20/50 thousand tons year-1). Through-put forging is one of few processes that can be simply combined with both horizontal continuous casting and subsequent rolling.
Author keywords:
Metallurgical production; Thermomechanical; Through-put radial forging
Index keywords:
Continuous casting; Forging; Hot working; Metallurgy; Rolling; Through-put radial forging; Forging machines
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Affiliations Metallurgical Department, Ural Stt. Tech. Univ., 19 Mira St., 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Institute of Engineering Science, Ural Br. Russ. Acad. Sci., 91 P., 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Metallurgical production; Thermomechanical; Through-put radial forging
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Correspondence Address Bourkine, S.P.; Metallurgical Department, Ural Stt. Tech. Univ., 19 Mira St., 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J Mater Process Technol
Source Scopus