Charge transfer in In2W3O12 and In6WO12 ceramics / Kulikova T., Neiman A., Kartavtseva A., Edwards D., Adams S. // Solid State Ionics. - 2008. - V. 178, l. 33-34. - P. 1714-1718.

There are two known tungstates - In6WO12 and In2(WO4)3 - in the In2O3-WO3 system. Transport properties of ceramics samples of both tungstates were investigated using impedance spectroscopy as a function of temperature and oxygen activity, the EMF-technique, and Tubandt-type experiments in cells with Pt and WO3-electrodes. Conduction in In2(WO4)3 was shown to be primarily ionic, but no evidence of In3+ conduction was observed. In6WO12 is n-type semiconductor with relatively low conductivity. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author keywords:
EMF and Tubandt techniques; Indium tungstates; Polarization phenomena; Value and nature of conductivity
Index keywords:
Ceramic materials; Charge transfer; Electric conductivity; Electric potential; Oxygen; Impedance spectroscopy; Indium tungstates; Polarization phenomena; Tubandt techniques; Indium compounds
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Affiliations Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Alfred University, United States; NUS, Singapore
Author Keywords EMF and Tubandt techniques; Indium tungstates; Polarization phenomena; Value and nature of conductivity
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Correspondence Address Neiman, A.; Ural State University, 620083 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Solid State Ionics
Source Scopus