Mechanisms of inherent and impurity-induced brittle intercrystalline fracture in pure FCC-metal iridium / Panfilov P., Yermakov A. // International Journal of Fracture. - 2004. - V. 128, l. 1. - P. 147-151.

Low cohesive strength of grain boundaries and high sensitivity of this parameter to the presence of non- metallic impurities are considered as the causes of grain boundary brittleness and poor workability of refractory fcc-metal iridium. The mechanisms of grain boundary brittleness in both contaminated and non-metallic impurity- free iridiurn are discussed in the presented paper. © 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Brittle fracture; Brittleness; Crystal impurities; Grain boundaries; Iridium; Brittle intercrystalline fracture; Grain boundary brittleness; Nonmetallic impurities; Fracture mechanics
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Affiliations Urals University, Laboratory of Strength, Lenin Avenue 51, Ekaterinburg 620083, Russian Federation
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Correspondence Address Panfilov, P.; Urals University, Laboratory of Strength, Lenin Avenue 51, Ekaterinburg 620083, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Int. J. Fract.
Source Scopus