Evolution of cracks in thin foils and massive crystals of iridium / Panfilov P., Baturin G., Yermakov A. // International Journal of Fracture. - 1991. - V. 50, l. 2. - P. 153-157.

An investigation of brittle crack development in iridium was carried out, opening new prospects for its use. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Crystals--Growing; Iridium Compounds--Defects; Metal Foil--Crack Propagation; Fracture Patterns; Iridium Massive Crystals; Iridium Thin Foils; Iridium and Alloys
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-0026185864&doi=10.1007%2fBF00035210&partnerID=40&md5=2213f44adcbdc31db9bd834b7b186121
Affiliations Physics of Strength Laboratory, Urals State University, Sverdlovsk, 620 083, Russia
References Gandhi, C., Ashby, M.F., (1979) Acta Metallurgica, 27, pp. 1565-1602; Brookes, C.A., Greenwood, J.H., Routbort, J.L., (1968) Journal of Applied Physics, 39, pp. 2391-2395; Hecker, S.S., Rohr, D.L., Stein, D.F., (1978) Metallurgical Transactions/A, 9, pp. 481-487; S.P. Lynch, in Fifth International Conference of Fracture, 1, Cannes 1981, 217–227; Panfilov, P., Yermakov, A., Baturin, G., Timofeev, A., (1989) Fizika metallov i metallovedenie, 67, pp. 618-623; Handley, J.R., (1986) Platinum Metals Review, 30, pp. 12-13
Correspondence Address Panfilov, P.; Physics of Strength Laboratory, Urals State University, Sverdlovsk, 620 083, Russia
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Int J Fract
Source Scopus