Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamics of the bubble mode during the bottom blowing of the ladle furnace / Novokreshchenov S.A., Shvydkii V.S., Zhukov V.P., Cheremisin D.D., Kholod S.I. // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. - 2011. - V. 52, l. 4. - P. 393-397.

The results of a mathematical modeling of size variations of the gas bubble upon its motion to the melt surface during the fire refining of copper in the ladle furnace are presented. The degrees of influence of the temperature field and hydrostatic pressure on these sizes are determined. The essential variation in the bubble volume allows us to conclude the time-dependent character of its motion along the melt height. © 2011 Allerton Press, Inc.
Author keywords:
gas bubble; hydrodynamics; ladle furnace; mathematical modeling; melt; temperature field
Index keywords:
Gas bubble; ladle furnace; Mathematical modeling; melt; temperature field; Bubbles (in fluids); Computer simulation; Hydrodynamics; Hydrostatic pressure; Petroleum refining; Temperature; Ladles; bubbl
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Affiliations Ural Federal University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation
Author Keywords gas bubble; hydrodynamics; ladle furnace; mathematical modeling; melt; temperature field
References Bakanov, B.P., Barmotin, I.P., Vlasov, N.N., (1975) Rafinirovanie Stali Inertnym Gazom, , (Refining of Steel with Inert Gas), Moscow: Metallurgiya; Vanyukov, A.V., Zaitsev, V.Y., (1993) Teoriya Metallurgicheskikh Protsessov, , (Theory of Metallurgical Processes), Moscow: Metallurgiya; Chursin, V.M., (1982) Plavka Mednykh Splavov, , (Smelting of Copper Alloys), Moscow: Metallurgiya; (1971) Argon V Metallurgii, , (Argon in Metallurgy), P. P. Arsent'ev (Ed.), Moscow: Metallurgiya; Zhukov, V.P., Novokreshchenov, S.A., Ageev, N.G., Kholod, S.I., (2009) Sovremennye Metallicheskie Materialy I Tekhnologii: Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchno-Prakticheskoi Konferentsii, , (Modern Metal Materials and Technologies: Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf.), St. Petersburg: SPbGU; Belousov, V.V., Klevtsov, A.G., Pribytkov, I.A., Sborshchikov, G.S., (2009) Teplotekhnika I Teploenergetika: Uchebnoe Posobie Dlya Vuzov, , (Heat Engineering and Heat-and-Power Engineering: Tutorial for Higher Schools), Moscow: Metallurgiya; Novokreshchenov, S.A., Zhukov, V.P., Kholod, S.I., Cheremisin, D.D., (2009) Sovremennye Metallicheskie Materialy I Tekhnologii: Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchno-Prakticheskoi Konferentsii, , (Modern Metal Materials and Technologies: Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf.), St. Petersburg: SPbGU
Correspondence Address Shvydkii, V. S.; Ural Federal University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Russ. J. Non-ferrous Met.
Source Scopus