Extending the lining life in circulatory vacuum units at OAO EVRAZ NTMK / Metelkin A.A., Sheshukov O.Y., Nekrasov I.V., Visloguzova E.A., Kulik V.M., Levchuk V.V. // Steel in Translation. - 2013. - V. 43, l. 9. - P. 593-596.

Practical methods for extending the life of submersible tubes in vacuum chambers are considered. The structure of periclase-chromite components is studied. Refractories corresponding to optimal vacuum-chamber operation in the converter shop at OAO EVRAZ NTMK are selected. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc.
Author keywords:
bubbling; lining wear; mass transfer; operating conditions; refractory linings; submersible tube; vacuum unit
Index keywords:
bubbling; Converter shop; In-vacuum; Lining wear; Operating condition; Periclase chromites; Practical method; Refractory lining; Linings; Mass transfer; Refractory materials; Submersibles; Tubes (comp
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Link https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84891322959&doi=10.3103%2fS0967091213090106&partnerID=40&md5=24e148f371928fb4e364aa135b60b8e2
Affiliations OAO EVRAZ NTMK, Nizhnii Tagil, Russian Federation; Institute of Metals, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation; Nizhnii Tagil Technology Institute, Ural Federal University, Nizhnii Tagil, Russian Federation
Author Keywords bubbling; lining wear; mass transfer; operating conditions; refractory linings; submersible tube; vacuum unit
References Filatov, S.V., Visloguzova, E.A., Fomichev, M.S., Extending the lining life in metallurgical equipment: reducing unit costs for refractories at OAO EVRAZ NTMK (2012) Trudy VI Mezhdunarodnoi Nauchno-Prakticheskoi Konferentsii S Elementami Nauchnoi Shkoly Dlya Molodezhi, Posvyashchennoi 80-Letiyu MMK. Energosberegayushchie Tekhnologii V Promyshlennosti. Pechnye Agregaty. Ekologiya, , (Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference and Seminar Celebrating the Eightieth Anniversary of OAO MMK: Energy-Conserving Industrial Technology, Furnaces, and Ecology); Sheshchukov, O.Y., Vinogradov, S.V., Visloguzova, E.A., Improving the operating time and reliability of vacuum-chamber linings (2012) Stal, pp. 20-21; Metelkin, A.A., Koryukov, D.V., Sergeev, V.N., Repair technologies and extension of the life of refractory vacuum-chamber linings (2006) Novye Ogneup., pp. 10-11; Visloguzova, E.A., Metelkin, A.A., Zorina, L.V., Influence of technological factors and the quality of periclase-chromite refractories on their wear resistance in vacuum-chamber linings (2006) Novye Ogneup., pp. 35-38
Correspondence Address Metelkin, A. A.; OAO EVRAZ NTMK, Nizhnii Tagil, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Steel Transl.
Source Scopus