Evaluation of boundary conditions of mathematical model of heat exchange in glass furnace / Lisienko V.G., Kut'in V.B., Gushchin S.N., Fetisov B.A. // Steklo i Keramika. - 1996. - V. , l. 3. - P. 9-11.

The results of the thermotechnical examination of the glass tank furnace supplied with six pairs of burners using the natural gas are listed. The quantitative evaluation of the efficient distribution of thermal load by the burners taking into account the construction resistance can be successfully accomplished using the mathematical model. The practical recommendations on the fuel redistribution resulting in the enhanced furnace efficiency are given.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Boundary conditions; Gas burners; Heat transfer; Mathematical models; Natural gas; Thermal load; Fuel distribution; Heat exchange; Tank furnace; Thermotechnical examination; Glass furnaces
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Affiliations Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj, Tekhnicheskij Univ, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Correspondence Address Lisienko, V.G.; Ural'skij Gosudarstvennyj, Tekhnicheskij Univ, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Publisher Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, Moscow, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Steklo Keram
Source Scopus