Methods of calculating heat transfer in metallurgical plants and control models / Lisienko V.G. // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. - 1993. - V. 64, l. 3. - P. 203-212.

Modern deterministic approaches to constructing mathematical models and strategic and tactical control models for a production process with reference to metallurgy and labor activity are considered. Examples of using complete and simplified mathematical models to evaluate optimal conditions of production and technological processes are presented. © 1994 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
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References Lisienko, V.G., (1972) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metallurg., 8, pp. 154-158; V. G. Lisienko, V. V. Volkov, and V. P. Fotin, Heat Engineering of Steel and Alloy Melting [in Russian], Magnitogorsk (1975), pp. 3–12; V. G. Lisienko, Heat Transfer Enhancement in Flame Furnaces [in Russian], Moscow (1979); V. G. Lisienko, V. I. Lobanov, and B. I. Kitaev, Thermophysics of Metallurgical Processes [in Russian], Magnitogorsk (1982); V. G. Lisienko, V. V. Volkov, and A. C. Goncharov, Mathematical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Furnaces and Units [in Russian], Kiev (1984); V. G. Lisienko, V. V. Volkov, and Yu. K. Malikov, Improvement of Fuel Use and Heat Transfer Control in Metallurgical Furnaces [in Russian], Moscow (1988); Malikov, Lisienko, V.G., Volkov, V.V., (1981) Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Tekh. Nauk, 2, pp. 16-21; Lisienko, V.G., Shklyar, F.R., Kryuchenkov, (1986) Inzh.-Fiz. Zh., 51 (1), pp. 86-93; Malikov, G.K., Lisienko, V.G., Malikov, Dvinyanikov, A.V., (1985) Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 23 (6), pp. 1103-1111; Lisienko, V.G., (1986) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Énerg., 1, pp. 49-56; Lisienko, V.G., (1991) Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Met., 2, pp. 33-44; V. G. Lisienko, Heat Engineering Hardware of Technological Processes in Metallurgy, Book of Abstracts, All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference, Sverdlovsk (1990), pp. 44–46; A. P. Egorychev, V. G. Lisienko, S. E. Rozin, and Ya. M. Shchelokov, Rational Use of Fuel-Energy Resources [in Russian], Moscow (1990); Lisienko, V.G., (1990) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Énerg., 3, pp. 3-15; Lisienko, V.G., (1990) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Énerg., 12, pp. 3-18; Lisienko, V.G., Malikov, Vostrotin, A.E., (1989) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Énerg., 2, pp. 87-92; V. G. Lisienko, Determination of Complex Indices of the Intensity and Autogeneration of Physicochemical and Heat Transfer Processes in Metallurgical Units, Information Sheet No. 602-89, Sverdlovsk (1989); Lisienko, V.G., Dzyuzer, Kut'in, V.B., (1981) Steklo Keram., 3, pp. 6-8; V. G. Lisienko, V. V. Volkov, A. A. Konstantinov, and Yu. V. Kryuchenkov, Proc. Minsk Heat and Mass Transfer Forum [in Russian], Minsk (1988), pp. 254–268; V. G. Lisienko, V. N. Shimov, and V. V. Lisienko, Automatic Control of Technological Processes and Gas Cleaning in Metallurgy, Book of Abstracts, All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference, Sverdlovsk (1991), pp. 20–21; V. G. Lisienko, Validity of Anti-expenditure Indices of Labor Activity Intensity Indices by Transfer Theory, Sverdlovsk (1987). Deposited at INION AN SSSR 30. 12. 87, No. 32300; V. G. Lisienko, Theory of Motivation Labor Activity Effectiveness, Control Model, and Profit Endooptimality Law, Sverdlovsk (1991). Deposited at VINITI 29.07.91, No. 3233-B91
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J Eng Phys Thermophys
Source Scopus