Determination of the effective thermal conductivity of a complex charge / Lisienko V.G., Fetisov B.A., Malikov Yu.K., Levchenko Yu.A. // Refractories. - 1990. - V. 31, l. 1-2. - P. 51-57.

An analysis of the results obtained makes it possible to draw the important practical conclusion that the use of a more open charge leads to intensification of heat exchange only in the high-temperature portion of the kiln (the firing zone) while in the low temperature zones use of a more open charge does not lead to significant intensification of heat exchange. Therefore in rapid heating kilns the ratio of the dimensions of the heating zones must be changed in the direction of a relative increase in the size of the low-temperature zones (heating and cooling). For a pile of a charge heated on all sides it is necessary to find the optimum values of porosity since small values of it are unfavorable for intensification of heat exchange while with high porosities the kiln productivity drops. © 1990 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
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Affiliations Ural Polytechnic Institute, Russia; Eastern Refractory Institute, Russia
References Krisch, O., (1934) Gesundheits Jugen., 1, pp. 33-48; Cawet, P., (1963) Rev. gen. de thermique, 2 (24), pp. 1383-1403; Dumer, P., (1966) Rev. gen. de thermique, 5 (55), pp. 673-686; Kreith, F., Blake, I., (1983) Fundamentals of Heat Transfer [Russian translation], , Mir, Moscow; Schneider, H., Walter, G., Steinhardt, R., (1980) Baustoffindustrie, 2, pp. 24-28; Lisienko, V.G., Volkov, V.V., Goncharov, A.P., (1984) Mathematical Simulation of Heat Exchange in Furnaces and Equipment [in Russian], , Naukova Dumka, Kiev; Kanda, Glazachev, B.S., (1979) Ogneupory, 3, pp. 20-23; Yu. K. Malikov, V. G. Lisienko, and V. A. Shirinkin, The Themal Physics of High Temperatures [in Russian], No. 23.1985, pp. 754–760; Kutateladze, S.S., Borishanskii, V.I., (1959) Handbook of Heat Exchange [in Russian], , Gosénergoizdat, Moscow; Abbakumov, V.G., Ashkinadze, (1972) Ogneupory, 3, pp. 20-27; Malikov, Lisienko, V.G., Vostrotin, A.E., (1989) Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 4, pp. 752-755; Lykov, A.V., (1967) The Theory of Thermal Conductivity [in Russian], , Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow; Lisienko, V.G., Volkov, V.V., Malikov, (1988) Improving Heat Utilization and Control of Heat Exchange in Metallurgical Furnaces [in Russian], , Metallurgiya, Moscow
Correspondence Address Lisienko, V.G.; Ural Polytechnic InstituteRussia
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Refractories
Source Scopus