CALCULATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN A FLAME FURNACE ALLOWING FOR THE DISSIPATION AND ABSORPTION OF RADIATION. / Zhuravlev Yu.A., Bogdanova E.V., Lisienko V.G., Volkov V.V. // Steel USSR. - 1975. - V. 5, l. 6. - P. 318-319.
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An algorithm for the zonal solution of the external heat transfer problem allowing for radiant dissipation has been developed on the basis of the statistical method as applied to three-dimensional multizone systems containing a radiating and absorbing medium. The free path length of the beam of photons is determined by means of random numbers. Using the new procedure as the basis, the external heat transfer in the chamber of a 180 t open-hearth furnace has been calculated, and the effect of the coefficients of volumetric dissipation and absorption on the heat engineering figures for running the furnace has been analyzed.