On the problem of the minimum entropy production in the nonequilibrium stationary state / Martyushev L.M., Nazarova A.S., Seleznev V.D. // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. - 2007. - V. 40, l. 3. - P. 371-380.

This study presents a critical review of the Prigogine minimum entropy production principle. The minimum entropy production implies the stationary state of the nonequilibrium system and vica versa: the stationary state of the system implies the minimum entropy production. It was shown that the extension of the principle to the so-called integral case is devoid of this property and, therefore, is less interesting in practical and theoretical terms. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Affiliations Institute of Industrial Ecology, Ural Branch RAS, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
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Correspondence Address Martyushev, L. M.; Institute of Industrial Ecology, Ural Branch RAS, 620219 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation; email: mlm@ecko.uran.ru
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J. Phys. Math. Theor.
Source Scopus