Data on internal rarefied gas flows / Sharipov F., Seleznev V. // Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. - 1998. - V. 27, l. 3. - P. 657-706.

The present review, containing 178 references, is dedicated to one of the largest and most important branches of the rarefied gas dynamics, namely internal flows. A critical analysis of the corresponding numerical data and analytical results available in the literature was made. The most reliable data were selected and tabulated. The review will be useful as a reference for mathematicians, physicists and aerodynamicists interested in rarefied gas flows. In this paper the complete ranges of the main parameters, determining rarefied gas flows through a capillary, are covered. The capillary length varies from zero, when the capillary degenerates into a thin orifice, to infinity when the end effects can be neglected. The Knudsen number, characterizing the gas rarefaction, varies from zero when the gas is considered as a continuous medium to infinity when the intermolecular collisions can be discounted. The pressure and temperature drops on the capillary ends vary from the small values when the linear theory is valid to the large values when the nonlinear equations must be applied. The influence of the gas-surface interaction is considered. ©1998 American Institute of Physics and American Chemical Society.
Author keywords:
Critical review; Data compilation; Evaluated recommended data; Heat flux; Kinetic coefficients; Mass flow rate; Mechanocaloric effect; Rarefied gases; Slip coefficients; Thermocreep; Thermomolecular pressure difference; Transport
Index keywords:
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Affiliations Departamento de Física, Univ. Federal do Paraná, 81531-990 Curitiba, Brazil; Department of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Urals State Polytechnical University, 620002 Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Author Keywords Critical review; Data compilation; Evaluated recommended data; Heat flux; Kinetic coefficients; Mass flow rate; Mechanocaloric effect; Rarefied gases; Slip coefficients; Thermocreep; Thermomolecular pressure difference; Transport
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Correspondence Address Sharipov, F.; Departamento de Física, Univ. Federal do Paraná, 81531-990 Curitiba, Brazil; email:
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data
Source Scopus