Separation of components during isothermal mixing of ternary gas systems under free-convection conditions / Kosov V.N., Seleznev V.D., Zhavrin Yu.I. // Technical Physics. - 1997. - V. 42, l. 10. - P. 1236-1237.

[No abstract available]
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Affiliations Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Al'-Farabi Kazakh State University, 480000 Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
References Zhavrin, Yu.I., Kosov, N.D., (1984) Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 54, p. 943; (1984) Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., 29, p. 561; Zhavrin, Yu.I., Kosov, V.N., (1988) Inzh. Fiz. Zh., 5, p. 92; Zhavrin, Yu.I., Kosov, V.N., (1993) Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 19 (10), p. 18; (1993) Tech. Phys. Lett., 19, p. 301; Aǐtkozhaev, A.Z., Zhavrin, P.Yu., Kosov, V.N., (1995) Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 21 (6), p. 7; (1995) Tech.Phys. Lett., 21, p. 206; Ivakin, I.F., Loǐko, A.É., Suetin, P.E., (1977) Zh. Tekh. Fiz., 47, p. 873; (1977) Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys., 22, p. 522
Correspondence Address Kosov, V.N.; Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Al'-Farabi Kazakh State University, 480000 Alma Ata, Kazakhstan
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Tech. Phys.
Source Scopus