Nonisothermal rarefied gas flow through a narrow slit / Akin'shin V.D., Seleznev V.D., Sharipov F.M. // Fluid Dynamics. - 1990. - V. 25, l. 4. - P. 642-645.

The nonisothermal flow of gas through a narrow slit under the influence of small pressure and temperature differences is investigated. The flow field and the mass and heat fluxes are found. It is shown that the heat transfer between the gas and the diaphragm, caused by the pressure difference, leads to a thermal polarization effect. The Onsager reciprocity relation is checked. © 1991 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
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Index keywords:
Heat Transfer; Mass Transfer; Knudsen Numbers; Onsager Reciprocity; Slits; Gas Dynamics
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References F. M. Sharipov, V. D. Akin'shin, and V. D. Seleznev, “Rarefied gas flow through a narrow slit,” Deposited at the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, June 17, 1987, No. 4392-V87 [in Russian], Minsk (1987); Shakhov, E.M., (1974) Method of Investigating the Motions of a Rarefied Gas [in Russian], , Nauka, Moscow; Kantorovich, L.V., Krylov, V.I., (1962) Approximate Methods of Higher Analysis [in Russian], , Fizmatgiz, Moscow; Roscoe, R., The flow of viscous fluids round plane obstacles (1949) Philos. Hag., 40, p. 338; F. M. Sharipov and V. D. Akin'shin, “Symmetry of the transport coefficients in linear problems of rarefied gas dynamics,” Deposited at the All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, March 18, 1988, No. 2123-V88 [in Russian], Minsk (1988)
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Fluid Dyn
Source Scopus