The capabilities of radioaltimetry system for measuring of spatial characteristics of rough water / Sorokin A.K., Vazhenin V.G., Shrajner A.A. // CriMiCo 2014 - 2014 24th International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology, Conference Proceedings. - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 1161-1162.

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Conference Paper
The abilities of information about parameters of steady-state waviness extracting from pulse altimeter signals are described. Abilities of onboard equipment allow measuring the parameters of reflected signals and making secondary processing. The parameters of fluctuating of reflected signals are evaluated during the processing, and then a period of sea wave, wave height, and water particles velocity are calculated. This information helps us to correct the measured height and velocity components. © 2014 CriMiCo'2014 Organizing Committee, CrSTC.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
On-board equipment; Reflected signal; Sea waves; Secondary processing; Spatial characteristics; Velocity components; Water particles; Wave heights; Water waves
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Art. No. 6959809
Affiliations Ural Federal University, Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Technologies, 32, Mira str., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk reg., Russian Federation
References Vazhenin, V.G., Ponomarev, L.I., The exploration results of FM radioaltimeter functioning over sea surface (1988) Obrabotka Radiolokacionnyh Signalov i Pribory Distancionnogo Zondirovanija, pp. 41-47. , Sverdlovsk, UPI; Davidan, I.N., Lopatuhin, L.I., Rozhkov, V.A., (1978) Vetrovoe Volnenie Kak Verojatnostnyj Gidrodinamicheskij Process. [Wind Waviness as Probability Hydrodynamic Process], 288p. , Leningrad; Sorokin, A.K., Vazhenin, V.G., Ojad'kov, N.A., Using doppler filtration for linear reference sensing (2012) Izvestija Vysshih Uchebnyh Zavedenij Rossii, pp. 50-54. , Saint-Petersburg: SPbGJeTU «LJeTI»; Skolnik, M.I., (2008) Radar Handbook, 1351p. , Third Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies; Kazarinov Ju., M., Grishin Ju., P., Ipatov, V.P., Kolomenskij Ju., A., Ul'janickij Ju., D., (1990) Radiotehnicheskie Sistemy: Uchebnoe Posobie Dlja Vuzov. [Radio Technical Systems: Tutorial for High Schools], 496p. , Moscow; Sorokin, A.K., Vazhenin, V.G., Vertical side looking algorithm based on radioaltimeter with pulse modulation (2013) CriMiCo 2013-2013 23rd International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology, Conference Proceedings, pp. 1208-1209. , Sevastopol'
Sponsors Belarus State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics;et al.;Moscow Aviation Institute - National Research University;NTUU KPI, Institute of Telecommunication Systems;OJS SPE "Saturn";Sevastopol National Technical University
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Conference name 2014 24th International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology, CriMiCo 2014
Conference date 7 September 2014 through 13 September 2014
Conference code 109221
ISBN 9789663354163
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title CriMiCo - Int. Crimean Conf. Microw. Telecommun. Technol., Conf. Proc.
Source Scopus