Effect of preliminary steel calorizing on glass coating impact strength / Shardakov N.T., Karpov I.B., Shardakova G.N., Kudyakov V.Ya. // Steklo i Keramika. - 1991. - V. 9, l. 2. - P. 19-20.

Influence of preliminary aluminizing of steel substrate on glassy coating adhesion has been investigated. Plates of type St.3 were dip coated in liquid commercial aluminium within the range of 700 to 740 deg C. Aluminized samples were then coating with a layer of crushed glass, hold up at 800-820 deg C in muffle furnace during 30 min and furnace cooled. Impact strength and linear thermal expansion coefficient were determined. It is shown that aluminizing can increase impact strength 1.5 times for glassy coatings. Linear expansion coefficient is noted to be in agreement with thermal expansion of steel but not aluminium.
Author keywords:
Index keywords:
Materials Testing - Impact; Steel - Coatings; Steel Aluminizing; Protective Coatings
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Affiliations Ural'skij Politekhnicheskij Inst, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
Correspondence Address Shardakov, N.T.; Ural'skij Politekhnicheskij Inst, Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation
CODEN 50001
Language of Original Document Russian
Abbreviated Source Title Steklo Keram
Source Scopus