Separation of Fe-Cu melts upon graphite wetting / Chikova O.A., Vityunin M.A., Chentsov V.P., Sakun G.V. // Colloid Journal. - 2010. - V. 72, l. 2. - P. 255-261.

Temperature and time dependences are plotted for contact angles upon graphite wetting by Fe-Cu melts with copper contents of 20, 40, and 60 at %. Optical and electron microscopy methods are used to perform qualitative and quantitative metallographic analyses of Fe-Cu-C alloys, which result from the interaction of Fe-Cu melts with graphite under wetting conditions.
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Index keywords:
Copper content; Metallographic analysis; Time dependence; Wetting conditions; Contact angle; Graphite; Metallography; Scanning electron microscopy; Wetting; Iron alloys
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Affiliations Ural State Pedagogical University, pr. Kosmonavtov 26, Yekaterinburg, 620017, Russian Federation; Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Amundsena 101, Yekaterinburg, 620016, Russian Federation; Ural State Technical University, ul. Mira 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
References Avraamov, Yu.S., Shlyapin, A.D., Splavyna osnove sistem s ogranichennoi rastvorimost'yu v zhidkom sostoyanii (teoriya, tekhnologiya, struktura i svoistva) (2002) Alloys Based on the Systems with Limited Solubility in Liquid State (Theory, Technology, Structure and Properties), , Moscow: Interkontakt Nauka; Ivanov, I.I., Zemskov, V.S., Kubasov, V.K., (1979) Plavlenie, Kristallizatsiya I Formoobrazovanie V Nevesomosti (Melting, Crystallization and Forming in Weightlessness), , Moscow: Nauka; Gel'fgat, Yu.M., Sornin, M.Z., Mikel'son, A.E., (1977) Magn. Gidrodin., (1), p. 121; Suchkov, E.V., Popel, S.I., Zhukov, A.A., (1988) Rasplavy, (6), p. 89; Popel, P.S., Chikova, O.A., Brodova, I.G., Polents, I.V., (1992) Fiz. Met. Metalloved., (9), p. 111; Diagrammy sostoyaniya dvoinykh metallicheskikh sistem. Spravochnik (1996) Phase Diagrams of Metal Binary Systems: A Handbook, 2. , Lyakishev, N. P., Ed., Moscow: Mashinostroenie; Sakun, G.V., (1988) Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Dissertation, , Sverdlovsk: Ural State Tech. Univ. - UPI; Zhukov, A.A., Gorshenin, I.G., Kiselev, R.I., Popel, S.I., (2000) Rasplavy, (2), p. 10; Suchkov, E.V., Popel, S.I., Zhukov, A.A., Konnova, M.A., (1995) Rasplavy, (5), p. 21; Suchkov, E.V., Popel, S.I., Zhukov, A.A., Konnova, M.A., (1995) Rasplavy, (5), p. 24; Zhukov, A.A., Vozchikov, A.P., (1987) Fizikokhimicheskie Issledovaniya Metallurgicheskikh Protsessov (Physicochemical Investigation of Metallurgical Processes), (15), p. 61. , Sverdlovsk: Ural. Politekh. Inst; Nizhenko, V.I., Floka, L.I., (1974) Poroshk. Metall., (6), p. 64; Naidich, Yu.V., Kolesnichenko, G.A., (1967) Vzaimodeistvie Metallicheskikh Rasplavov S Poverkhnost'yu Almaza I Grafita (Interaction of Molten Metals with Diamond and Graphite Surface), , Kiev: Naukova Dumka; Gluzman, L.D., Edel'man, I.I., Laboratornyi kontrol' koksokhimicheskogo proizvodstva (1957) Laboratory Control of Coke Industry, , Kharkov: Gos. Nauchno-Tekh. Izd. Lit. Chern. Tsvetn. Metall; Kishkoparov, N.V., Chentsov, V.P., Frishberg, I.V., Pastukhov, V.P., (1984) Poroshk. Metall., (11), p. 60
Correspondence Address Chikova, O. A.; Ural State Pedagogical University, pr. Kosmonavtov 26, Yekaterinburg, 620017, Russian Federation
Language of Original Document English
Abbreviated Source Title Colloid J.
Source Scopus